About Us

Founded on August 16, 2013
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
We are made up of five members
Five friends who wanted to start something together
Making memories within us
But also to share something with everyone
We've brought our strengths together
And decided to make a jewelry and accessories' shop
Every item is hand made by our members
Petit Livre means 'small book'
For each product, we'll be adding quotes or stories to them
We wanted to reach out and search for sayings and stories to share
Whether it be from a book, movie, a known person or even from ourselves
There are many different quotes and stories out in the world that can reach to you personally
And we hope to be one of the sources
It's also a fun way to add to our items!
Visit us again♥
You can purchase our items through:
Items and events will be posted on:
Pictures of our items will be posted on:
You can contact Petit Livre at:
Thank you
God bless